LibTiePie  0.9.12
Library for interfacing TiePie engineering instruments



typedef int32_t LibTiePieStatus_t
 LibTiePie status code. More...
typedef uint32_t LibTiePieHandle_t
 Generic handle. More...
typedef LibTiePieHandle_t TpDeviceHandle_t
typedef uint64_t TpVersion_t
 Data type representing a version number. More...
typedef uint32_t TpDate_t
 Data type representing a date. More...
typedef uint8_t bool8_t
 Boolean value one byte wide. More...
typedef uint8_t LibTiePieTriState_t
 TriState value one byte wide. More...
typedef void ** LibTiePiePointerArray_t
 Pointer array. More...
typedef void(* TpCallback_t) (void *pData)
typedef void(* TpCallbackDeviceList_t) (void *pData, uint32_t dwDeviceTypes, uint32_t dwSerialNumber)
typedef void(* TpCallbackHandle_t) (void *pData, LibTiePieHandle_t hHandle)
typedef void(* TpCallbackEvent_t) (void *pData, uint32_t dwEvent, uint32_t dwValue)

Typedef Documentation

typedef int32_t LibTiePieStatus_t

LibTiePie status code.

See also
Status return codes

Definition at line 1412 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef uint32_t LibTiePieHandle_t

Generic handle.

Definition at line 1413 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef uint64_t TpVersion_t

Data type representing a version number.

The version number is a packed type containing:

  • Major number in bits 63 to 48, use macro TPVERSION_MAJOR to extract the major number.
  • Minor number in bits 47 to 32, use macro TPVERSION_MINOR to extract the minor number.
  • Release number in bits 31 to 16, use macro TPVERSION_RELEASE to extract the release number.
  • Build number in bits 15 to 0, use macro TPVERSION_BUILD to extract the build number.
See also
uint16_t wMajor = TPVERSION_MAJOR( Version );
uint16_t wMinor = TPVERSION_MINOR( Version );
uint16_t wRelease = TPVERSION_RELEASE( Version );
uint16_t wBuild = TPVERSION_BUILD( Version );
printf( "LibGetVersion = %u.%u.%u.%u\n" , wMajor , wMinor , wRelease , wBuild );

Definition at line 1445 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef uint32_t TpDate_t

Data type representing a date.

The date is a packed type containing:

  • Year in bits 31 to 16, use macro TPDATE_YEAR to extract the year
  • Month in bits 15 to 8, use macro TPDATE_MONTH to extract the month
  • Day in bits 7 to 0, use macro TPDATE_DAY to extract the day
See also
TpDate_t Date = DevGetCalibrationDate( hDevice );
uint16_t wYear = TPDATE_YEAR( Date );
uint8_t byMonth = TPDATE_MONTH( Date );
uint8_t byDay = TPDATE_DAY( Date );

Definition at line 1466 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef uint8_t bool8_t

Boolean value one byte wide.

See also
bool8_t values

Definition at line 1467 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef uint8_t LibTiePieTriState_t

TriState value one byte wide.

See also
LibTiePieTriState_t values

Definition at line 1468 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef void** LibTiePiePointerArray_t

Pointer array.

See also
Pointer array

Definition at line 1469 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef void(* TpCallback_t) (void *pData)

Definition at line 1477 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef void(* TpCallbackDeviceList_t) (void *pData, uint32_t dwDeviceTypes, uint32_t dwSerialNumber)

Definition at line 1478 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef void(* TpCallbackHandle_t) (void *pData, LibTiePieHandle_t hHandle)

Definition at line 1479 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef void(* TpCallbackEvent_t) (void *pData, uint32_t dwEvent, uint32_t dwValue)

Definition at line 1480 of file libtiepie.h.