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libtiepie.h File Reference

Header for libtiepie. More...

#include <tmwtypes.h>

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#define CM_INTERNAL   0
 Internal clock source.
#define CM_EXTERNAL   1
 External clock source.
 Number of couplings.
#define CKB_DCV   0
 Volt DC.
#define CKB_ACV   1
 Volt AC.
#define CKB_DCA   2
 Ampere DC.
#define CKB_ACA   3
 Ampere AC.
#define CKB_OHM   4
#define CK_UNKNOWN   0x0000000000000000
 Invalid coupling type.
#define CK_DCV   ( 1 << CKB_DCV )
 Volt DC.
#define CK_ACV   ( 1 << CKB_ACV )
 Volt AC.
#define CK_DCA   ( 1 << CKB_DCA )
 Ampere DC.
#define CK_ACA   ( 1 << CKB_ACA )
 Ampere AC.
#define CK_OHM   ( 1 << CKB_OHM )
#define CKM_V   ( CK_DCV | CK_ACV )
#define CKM_A   ( CK_DCA | CK_ACA )
#define CKM_OHM   ( CK_OHM )
 Number of generator modes.
#define FM_UNKNOWN   0x00000000
 Number of measure modes.
#define MMB_STREAM   0
 Stream mode bit number.
#define MMB_BLOCK   1
 Block mode bit number.
#define MM_UNKNOWN   0x00000000
#define MM_STREAM   ( 1 << MMB_STREAM )
#define MM_BLOCK   ( 1 << MMB_BLOCK )
 Number of types.
#define STB_SINE   0
#define STB_TRIANGLE   1
#define STB_SQUARE   2
#define STB_DC   3
#define STB_NOISE   4
#define STB_ARBITRARY   5
#define ST_UNKNOWN   0x0000000000000000
#define ST_SINE   ( 1 << STB_SINE )
#define ST_TRIANGLE   ( 1 << STB_TRIANGLE )
#define ST_SQUARE   ( 1 << STB_SQUARE )
#define ST_DC   ( 1 << STB_DC )
#define ST_NOISE   ( 1 << STB_NOISE )
#define TH_ALLPRESAMPLES   0xffffffffffffffff
 All presamples.
#define TKN_KIND_COUNT   7
 Number of kinds.
#define TKB_RISING   0
#define TKB_FALLING   1
#define TKB_INWINDOW   2
#define TKB_OUTWINDOW   3
#define TKB_EDGE   4
#define TK_UNKNOWN   0x0000000000000000ULL
#define TK_RISING   ( 1ULL << TKB_RISING )
#define TK_FALLING   ( 1ULL << TKB_FALLING )
#define TK_EDGE   ( 1ULL << TKB_EDGE )
#define TKM_NONE   0x0000000000000000ULL
 No trigger kinds.
#define TKM_ALL   ( ( 1ULL << TKN_KIND_COUNT ) - 1 )
 All trigger kinds.
#define TO_INFINITY   -1
 No time out.
#define TS_NONE   0x0000000000000000ULL
 No trigger source.
#define TS_CH1   0x0000000000000001ULL
 Channel 1.
#define TS_CH2   0x0000000000000002ULL
 Channel 2.
#define TS_CH3   0x0000000000000004ULL
 Channel 3.
#define TS_CH4   0x0000000000000008ULL
 Channel 4.
#define TS_CH5   0x0000000000000010ULL
 Channel 5.
#define TS_CH6   0x0000000000000020ULL
 Channel 6.
#define TS_CH7   0x0000000000000040ULL
 Channel 7.
#define TS_CH8   0x0000000000000080ULL
 Channel 8.
#define TS_CH9   0x0000000000000100ULL
 Channel 9.
#define TS_CH10   0x0000000000000200ULL
 Channel 10.
#define TS_CH11   0x0000000000000400ULL
 Channel 11.
#define TS_CH12   0x0000000000000800ULL
 Channel 12.
#define TS_CH13   0x0000000000001000ULL
 Channel 13.
#define TS_CH14   0x0000000000002000ULL
 Channel 14.
#define TS_CH15   0x0000000000004000ULL
 Channel 15.
#define TS_CH16   0x0000000000008000ULL
 Channel 16.
#define TS_CH17   0x0000000000010000ULL
 Channel 17.
#define TS_CH18   0x0000000000020000ULL
 Channel 18.
#define TS_CH19   0x0000000000040000ULL
 Channel 19.
#define TS_CH20   0x0000000000080000ULL
 Channel 20.
#define TS_CH21   0x0000000000100000ULL
 Channel 21.
#define TS_CH22   0x0000000000200000ULL
 Channel 22.
#define TS_CH23   0x0000000000400000ULL
 Channel 23.
#define TS_CH24   0x0000000000800000ULL
 Channel 24.
#define TS_CH25   0x0000000001000000ULL
 Channel 25.
#define TS_CH26   0x0000000002000000ULL
 Channel 26.
#define TS_CH27   0x0000000004000000ULL
 Channel 27.
#define TS_CH28   0x0000000008000000ULL
 Channel 28.
#define TS_CH29   0x0000000010000000ULL
 Channel 29.
#define TS_CH30   0x0000000020000000ULL
 Channel 30.
#define TS_CH31   0x0000000040000000ULL
 Channel 31.
#define TS_CH32   0x0000000080000000ULL
 Channel 32.
#define TS_GENSTOP   0x0400000000000000ULL
 Generator stop.
#define TS_GENNEW   0x0800000000000000ULL
 Generator new period.
#define TS_GENSTART   0x1000000000000000ULL
 Generator start.
#define TS_EXT2   0x2000000000000000ULL
 External 2 (TTL)
#define TS_EXTANALOG   0x4000000000000000ULL
 External (Analog)
#define TS_EXT   0x8000000000000000ULL
 External (TTL)
#define TSN_CHANNEL_COUNT   32
 Number of LSBs reserved for channel trigger sources.
#define TSM_NONE   0x0000000000000000ULL
 No trigger sources.
 All trigger sources.
#define TSM_CHANNELS   ( ( 1ULL << TSN_CHANNEL_COUNT ) - 1 )
 All channel trigger sources.
 All non-channel trigger sources.
 All generator trigger sources.
#define DEVICETYPE_OSCILLOSCOPE   0x00000001
#define DEVICETYPE_GENERATOR   0x00000002
#define DEVICETYPE_I2CHOST   0x00000004
#define CONNECTORTYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000
#define CONNECTORTYPE_BNC   0x00000001
#define CONNECTORTYPE_BANANA   0x00000002
#define DATARAWTYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000
#define DATARAWTYPE_INT8   0x00000001
#define DATARAWTYPE_INT16   0x00000002
#define DATARAWTYPE_INT32   0x00000004
#define DATARAWTYPE_INT64   0x00000008
#define DATARAWTYPE_UINT8   0x00000010
#define DATARAWTYPE_UINT16   0x00000020
#define DATARAWTYPE_UINT32   0x00000040
#define DATARAWTYPE_UINT64   0x00000080
#define IDM_DEVICEID   0x80000000
#define IDM_ALL   0xffffffff
#define IDB_HS3   0
#define IDB_HS4   1
#define IDB_HS4D   2
#define IDB_HS805   3
#define IDB_HP3   4
#define IDB_HS5   5
#define IDB_HL0516   6
#define IDB_PA1   7
#define ID_HS3   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HS3 ) )
 Handyscope HS3.
#define ID_HS4   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HS4 ) )
 Handyscope HS4.
#define ID_HS4D   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HS4D ) )
 Handyscope HS4 DIFF.
#define ID_HS805   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HS805 ) )
 TiePieSCOPE HS805.
#define ID_HP3   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HP3 ) )
 Handyprobe HP3.
#define ID_HS5   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HS5 ) )
 Handyscope HS5.
#define ID_HL0516   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_HL0516 ) )
#define ID_PA1   ( IDM_DEVICEID | ( 1 << IDB_PA1 ) )
 Power Analyzer PA1.
#define TPVERSION_MAJOR(x)   ( x >> 48 )
#define TPVERSION_MINOR(x)   ( ( x >> 32 ) & 0xffff )
#define TPVERSION_RELEASE(x)   ( ( x >> 16 ) & 0xffff )
#define TPVERSION_BUILD(x)   ( x & 0xffff )
#define TPDATE_YEAR(x)   ( x >> 16 )
#define TPDATE_MONTH(x)   ( ( x >> 8 ) & 0xff )
#define TPDATE_DAY(x)   ( x & 0xff )


typedef INT8_T int8_t
typedef INT16_T int16_t
typedef INT32_T int32_t
typedef INT64_T int64_t
typedef UINT8_T uint8_t
typedef UINT16_T uint16_t
typedef UINT32_T uint32_t
typedef UINT64_T uint64_t
typedef void(* TpCallback_t )(void *pData)
typedef int32_t LibTiePieStatus_t
 libTiePie status codes
typedef uint32_t TpDeviceHandle_t
 device handle
typedef uint64_t TpVersion_t
typedef uint32_t TpDate_t
typedef uint8_t bool8_t
 boolean one byte wide


TpVersion_t LibGetVersion ()
uint32_t LibGetConfig (uint8_t *pBuffer, uint32_t dwBufferLength)
LibTiePieStatus_t LibGetLastStatus ()
const char * LibGetLastStatusStr ()
uint32_t LstGetCount (uint32_t dwDeviceType)
bool8_t LstGetDeviceCanOpen (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId)
uint32_t LstGetDeviceProductId (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId)
uint32_t LstGetDeviceVendorId (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId)
uint32_t LstGetDeviceName (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId, char *pBuffer, uint32_t dwBufferLength)
uint32_t LstGetDeviceNameShort (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId, char *pBuffer, uint32_t dwBufferLength)
uint32_t LstGetDeviceSerialNumber (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId)
TpDeviceHandle_t LstOpenDevice (uint32_t dwDeviceType, uint32_t dwId)
void LstRemoveDevice (uint32_t dwSerialNumber)
void LstUpdate (uint32_t dwDeviceIdMask)
void LstSetCallbackDeviceAdded (uint32_t dwDeviceType, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
void LstSetCallbackDeviceRemoved (uint32_t dwDeviceType, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
void DevClose (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t DevIsRemoved (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
TpVersion_t DevGetDriverVersion (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
TpVersion_t DevGetFirmwareVersion (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
TpDate_t DevGetCalibrationDate (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t DevGetSerialNumber (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t DevGetProductId (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t DevGetVendorId (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t DevGetName (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, char *pBuffer, uint32_t dwBufferLength)
uint32_t DevGetNameShort (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, char *pBuffer, uint32_t dwBufferLength)
void DevSetCallbackRemoved (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
uint16_t ScpGetChannelCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpGetSharedChannelGroupCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpGetSharedChannelGroup (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwGroupIndex, uint16_t *pChannelNumbers, uint32_t dwLength)
bool8_t ScpChGetAutoRanging (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
bool8_t ScpChSetAutoRanging (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, bool8_t bEnable)
uint32_t ScpChGetConnectorType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpChGetCouplings (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpChGetCoupling (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpChSetCoupling (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint64_t qwCoupling)
bool8_t ScpChGetEnabled (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
bool8_t ScpChSetEnabled (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, bool8_t bEnable)
bool8_t ScpChIsDifferential (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
bool8_t ScpChIsDualRateCapable (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
double ScpChGetProbeGain (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
double ScpChSetProbeGain (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, double dProbeGain)
uint32_t ScpChGetRanges (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, double *pList, uint32_t dwLength)
uint32_t ScpChGetRangesEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint64_t qwCoupling, double *pList, uint32_t dwLength)
double ScpChGetRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
double ScpChSetRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, double dRange)
uint64_t ScpGetData (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float **pBuffers, uint16_t wChannelCount, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetData1Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float *pBufferCh1, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetData2Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float *pBufferCh1, float *pBufferCh2, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetData3Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float *pBufferCh1, float *pBufferCh2, float *pBufferCh3, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetData4Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float *pBufferCh1, float *pBufferCh2, float *pBufferCh3, float *pBufferCh4, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetDataRaw (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void **pBuffers, uint16_t wChannelCount, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetDataRaw1Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void *pBufferCh1, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetDataRaw2Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void *pBufferCh1, void *pBufferCh2, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetDataRaw3Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void *pBufferCh1, void *pBufferCh2, void *pBufferCh3, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
uint64_t ScpGetDataRaw4Ch (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void *pBufferCh1, void *pBufferCh2, void *pBufferCh3, void *pBufferCh4, uint64_t qwStartIndex, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
bool8_t ScpChIsRangeMaxReachable (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint32_t ScpChGetDataRawType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpGetValidPreSampleCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
void ScpChGetDataValueRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, double *pMin, double *pMax)
double ScpChGetDataValueMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
double ScpChGetDataValueMin (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
void ScpChGetDataRawValueRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, int64_t *pMin, int64_t *pZero, int64_t *pMax)
int64_t ScpChGetDataRawValueMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
int64_t ScpChGetDataRawValueZero (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
int64_t ScpChGetDataRawValueMin (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
void ScpSetCallbackDataReady (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
void ScpSetCallbackDataOverflow (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
bool8_t ScpStart (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
void ScpStop (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
void ScpForceTrigger (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t ScpIsDataReady (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t ScpIsDataOverflow (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t ScpIsRunning (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t ScpIsTriggered (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpGetMeasureModes (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpGetMeasureMode (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpSetMeasureMode (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMeasureMode)
uint32_t ScpGetResolutions (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint8_t *pList, uint32_t dwLength)
uint8_t ScpGetResolution (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint8_t ScpSetResolution (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint8_t byResolution)
bool8_t ScpIsResolutionEnhanced (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t ScpIsResolutionEnhancedEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint8_t byResolution)
uint32_t ScpGetClockSource (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t ScpSetClockSource (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwClockSource)
double ScpGetPreSampleRatio (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double ScpSetPreSampleRatio (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dPreSampleRatio)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerHoldOffCountMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerHoldOffCountMaxEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMeasureMode)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerHoldOffCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpSetTriggerHoldOffCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerHoldOffCount)
uint64_t ScpGetRecordLengthMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpGetRecordLengthMaxEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMeasureMode, uint8_t byResolution)
uint64_t ScpGetRecordLength (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpSetRecordLength (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwRecordLength)
uint64_t ScpVerifyRecordLength (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwRecordLength)
uint64_t ScpVerifyRecordLengthEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwRecordLength, uint32_t dwMeasureMode, uint8_t byResolution, uint64_t qwActiveChannelMask)
double ScpGetSampleFrequencyMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double ScpGetSampleFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double ScpSetSampleFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSampleFrequency)
double ScpVerifySampleFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSampleFrequency)
double ScpVerifySampleFrequencyEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSampleFrequency, uint32_t dwMeasureMode, uint8_t byResolution, uint64_t qwActiveChannelMask)
double ScpGetTriggerTimeOut (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double ScpSetTriggerTimeOut (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dTimeout)
double ScpVerifyTriggerTimeOut (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dTimeout)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerSources (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerSourcesEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMeasureMode)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerSourceOR (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpSetTriggerSourceOR (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerSourceAND (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t ScpSetTriggerSourceAND (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerKinds (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerKindsEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask, uint32_t dwMeasureMode)
uint64_t ScpGetTriggerKind (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource)
uint64_t ScpSetTriggerKind (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource, uint64_t qwTriggerKind)
double ScpGetTriggerLevel (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource, uint32_t dwIndex)
double ScpSetTriggerLevel (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource, uint32_t dwIndex, double dLevel)
double ScpGetTriggerHysteresis (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource, uint32_t dwIndex)
double ScpSetTriggerHysteresis (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSource, uint32_t dwIndex, double dHysteresis)
uint64_t ScpChGetTriggerKinds (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpChGetTriggerKindsEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint32_t dwMeasureMode)
uint64_t ScpChGetTriggerKind (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
uint64_t ScpChSetTriggerKind (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint64_t qwTriggerKind)
double ScpChGetTriggerLevel (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint32_t dwIndex)
double ScpChSetTriggerLevel (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint32_t dwIndex, double dLevel)
double ScpChGetTriggerHysteresis (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint32_t dwIndex)
double ScpChSetTriggerHysteresis (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, uint32_t dwIndex, double dHysteresis)
double ScpChGetTriggerPulseTime (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh)
double ScpChSetTriggerPulseTime (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wCh, double dPulseTime)
uint32_t GenGetConnectorType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenIsDifferential (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetImpedance (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenIsControllable (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenGetOutputOn (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenSetOutputOn (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, bool8_t bOutputOn)
void GenStart (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
void GenStop (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenIsBurstActive (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenGetBurstCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenGetBurstCountMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenSetBurstCount (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwBurstCount)
uint32_t GenGetModes (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t GenGetModesEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwSignalType)
uint32_t GenGetMode (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t GenSetMode (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMode)
uint32_t GenGetSignalTypes (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t GenGetSignalType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint32_t GenSetSignalType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwSignalType)
double GenGetAmplitudeMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetAmplitudeMin (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetAmplitude (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetAmplitude (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dAmplitude)
double GenVerifyAmplitude (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dAmplitude)
void GenGetFrequencyMinMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint32_t dwMode, double *pMin, double *pMax)
double GenGetFrequencyMin (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetFrequencyMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dFrequency)
double GenVerifyFrequency (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dFrequency)
double GenVerifyFrequencyEx (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dFrequency, uint32_t dwMode)
double GenGetOffsetMin (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetOffsetMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenGetOffset (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetOffset (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dOffset)
double GenVerifyOffset (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dOffset)
double GenGetPhase (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetPhase (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dPhase)
double GenVerifyPhase (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dPhase)
double GenGetSymmetry (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetSymmetry (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSymmetry)
double GenVerifySymmetry (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSymmetry)
void GenSetCallbackBurstCompleted (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
void GenSetCallbackControllableChanged (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, TpCallback_t pCallback, void *pData)
bool8_t GenGetAutoRanging (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
bool8_t GenSetAutoRanging (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, bool8_t bEnable)
uint32_t GenGetRanges (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double *pList, uint32_t dwLength)
double GenGetRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double GenSetRange (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dRange)
uint64_t GenGetTriggerSources (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenGetTriggerSourceAND (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenSetTriggerSourceAND (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask)
uint64_t GenGetTriggerSourceOR (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenSetTriggerSourceOR (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwTriggerSourceMask)
uint64_t GenGetDataLengthMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenGetDataLength (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
uint64_t GenVerifyDataLength (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint64_t qwDataLength)
uint32_t GenGetDataRawType (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
void GenSetData (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, float *pBuffer, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
void GenSetDataRaw (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, void *pBuffer, uint64_t qwSampleCount)
bool8_t I2CRead (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, void *pBuffer, uint32_t dwSize, bool8_t bStop)
bool8_t I2CReadByte (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint8_t *pValue)
bool8_t I2CReadWord (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint16_t *pValue)
bool8_t I2CWrite (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, void *pBuffer, uint32_t dwSize, bool8_t bStop)
bool8_t I2CWriteByte (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint8_t byValue)
bool8_t I2CWriteByteByte (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint8_t byValue1, uint8_t byValue2)
bool8_t I2CWriteByteWord (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint8_t byValue1, uint16_t wValue2)
bool8_t I2CWriteWord (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress, uint16_t wValue)
double I2CGetSpeed (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double I2CGetSpeedMax (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice)
double I2CSetSpeed (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSpeed)
double I2CVerifySpeed (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, double dSpeed)
bool8_t I2CIsInternalAddress (TpDeviceHandle_t hDevice, uint16_t wAddress)

Detailed Description

Header for libtiepie.

Definition in file libtiepie.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef INT16_T int16_t

Definition at line 18 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef INT32_T int32_t

Definition at line 19 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef INT64_T int64_t

Definition at line 20 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef INT8_T int8_t

Definition at line 17 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef UINT16_T uint16_t

Definition at line 23 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef UINT32_T uint32_t

Definition at line 24 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef UINT64_T uint64_t

Definition at line 25 of file libtiepie.h.

typedef UINT8_T uint8_t

Definition at line 22 of file libtiepie.h.