Library for interfacing TiePie engineering instruments
The LibTiePie library is a library for using TiePie engineering USB instruments through third party software.
LibTiePie maintains a Device list, containing all available supported devices. Possible devices are oscilloscopes, generators and I2C hosts. Instruments can contain multiple devices, e.g. the Handyscope HS5 contains an oscilloscope, a generator and an I2C host.
Devices can contain sub devices. E.g. devices contain trigger systems, oscilloscopes contain channels, channels contain channel trigger systems.
The LibTiePie library contains functions to control all aspects of the device list and the (sub) devices.
All functions are prefixed, so it is easily determined where the function can be used for.
Prefix | Description |
Lib | Common Library related functions |
Lst | Device list related functions |
LstDev | Listed devices related functions |
LstCbDev | Listed combined devices related functions |
Net | Network related functions |
Obj | Common object related functions |
Dev | Common device related functions |
DevTrIn | Device trigger input related functions |
DevTrOut | Device trigger output related functions |
Scp | Oscilloscope related functions |
ScpCh | Oscilloscope channel related functions |
ScpChTr | Oscilloscope channel trigger related functions |
Gen | Generator related functions |
I2C | I2C Host related functions |
Srv | Server related functions |
Hlp | Helper functions for bypassing limitations of some programming languages |
When using LibTiePie, to control instruments and perform measurements, the following steps are required:
On each function call a status flag is set, use LibGetLastStatus() to read the status flag. See also Status return codes.