libtiepie-hw 1.3.4
A device can have zero or more device trigger inputs. These can be available as pins on an extension connector on the instrument. Internal signals inside the instrument from e.g. a generator can also be available as device trigger input. Use the function tiepie_hw_device_trigger_get_input_count to determine the amount of available device trigger inputs. To use a device trigger input as trigger source, use the function tiepie_hw_device_trigger_input_set_enabled to enable it.
The Kind setting controls how a device trigger input responds to its signal. Use tiepie_hw_device_trigger_input_get_kinds() to find out which trigger kinds are supported by the device trigger input. Use tiepie_hw_device_trigger_input_get_kind() and tiepie_hw_device_trigger_input_set_kind() to access the trigger kind of a trigger input. Available kinds are:
The device trigger responds to a rising edge in the input signal.
The device trigger responds to a falling edge in the input signal.